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Induction teppanyaki with fume purifier

  • 1. Durable stainless steel shell.
  • 2. 5 independent purifi cation processors that make washing easy.
  • 3. Inverter control system to maintain the purifi cation effect.
  • 4. High frequency air purifi cation technique to ensure up to 98% efficiency.
  • 5.No disposable filters or other consumables to prevent waste and secondary pollution.
  • 6.A comprehensive solution to your environmental protection needs.
  • Control panel

  • Smoke outlet

  • Heating iron plate


  • Positive

  • Side

  • Overlooking

Product name Model Overall dimensions (MM) Electrical paramenters
Teppanyaki with fume purifier TP-FG-4A 1200*800*800 8KW,380V,50Hz
Teppanyaki with fume purifier TP-FG-6A 1500*800*800 8KW,380V,50Hz
Teppanyaki with fume purifier TP-FG-8A 1800*800*800 8KW,380V,50Hz
Teppanyaki with fume purifier TP-FG-12A 2000*800*800 8KW,380V,50Hz

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